If you own a bearded dragon or leopard gecko, you might have considered using dubia roaches as feeder insects. This has become very popular among pet owners, but many people are unsure about the benefits of using dubia roaches as feeder insects in this way. Here’s how and why you should consider dubia roaches as feeder insects for your pet lizards and snakes.

They’re Easy to Care For

Dubia Roaches are low maintenance and easy to care for. There is no need for calcium and vitamin supplementation – other pets will get the nutritional benefits from them. They only need a humid environment with plenty of water, and they can be fed a formulated organic diet that is precisely balanced to meet their nutritional needs.

They’re Nutritious

Dubia roaches are a nutritious feeder insect for your pet. They are fed a formulated organic diet that is precisely balanced to meet the nutritional needs of your bearded dragon or leopard gecko. There is no need for calcium and vitamin supplementation – other pets love and will get the nutritional benefits.

They’re Easy to Digest

Dubia roaches are a great option for feeder insects because they’re easy to digest and your pet will love them! They’re also very nutritious, so there’s no need to add calcium or vitamin supplementation.

They’re Clean

You may have heard that roaches are dirty and will give your pet a disease. This is not true! The dubia roach is an extremely clean insect. They groom themselves constantly, so they don’t carry any dirt or germs on their body.

They’re Not Aggressive

Dubia Roaches are not aggressive insects and are not known to bite. They also have a much lower tendency to carry parasites than crickets, mealworms, and other insect options. One added benefit is that roach poop does not smell. Their diet is also formulated to be very low in uric acid which means their waste will be less stinky than other feeders. With all these benefits, you can see why dubia roaches are a great choice for your bearded dragon or leopard gecko!